Monday, March 24, 2014

Curiosity Part Four

Always incoming and never outgoing packages.  I watched as several of them piled on my desk.  Their final resting place was the blue counter behind me.  As the door swung shut behind the last delivery man for the day, my eyes fell hungrily on the brown and white boxes before me.  No one ever left until right at five and the packages remained in the lobby until just five minutes before then.  A curly, brown haired lady would come through the back door with a large cart and collect the parcels.  She wouldn’t even look at me.  I glanced around the room and tried, though not very hard, to suppress the urge growing within me.  How difficult would it be to take a peek inside one little, insignificant box, and then tape it back up?  The clock read four fifteen.  I stood up slowly and reached for the packages.  I scooped them up and turned quickly allowing the smallest to fall to the ground.
            “Oops!” I said to no one, kneeling with the boxes still in my arms.  I had a pair of scissors in the bottom drawer I used to slice the tape of the small box.  My heart was beating out of my chest as my shaking hands peeled the lid back.
            Candy.  Not just any candy, but caramel.  I hate caramel.  Not that I was thinking of swiping any, but I felt even more jipped by the absence of real information.  I laughed quietly as I taped the box up.  Stealing a piece wouldn’t have been a big deal after what I’d just done.  Wasn’t opening someone else’s mail a felony?  Only if they knew about it, a voice whispered slyly in my head. 
            I placed the boxes on the counter and sat back down in my chair.  A moment passed and I found myself wishing I’d tried a different box.  If you’re going to commit a felony, would it really matter how big the box is in the end?  It was too late for that day but the next morning held some promise.

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