Monday, April 28, 2014

Curiosity Part Twelve

The last hour of the day crept by.  I don’t know if it was because I was waiting for the roof to fall in or for someone in a suit to escort me from the building.  My mind kept dancing between two extremes.  The first was scared stiff for obvious reasons.  The second, and more insane thought, was actually excited.  It felt like I was in a real spy movie and having grown up with an older brother, could really appreciate the intensity of the situation.  Only when my mind began to run away with the crazy story did I remember that I was the main character and I was not guaranteed a happy ending. While this may be common sense for the rest of the world I seemed to be having problems remembering that fact.  And the fear was back.
            When five came there was a steady stream of men and women leaving through the front door.  I sat there quietly, head bowed, not daring to look at any of then.  Which of these lovely people sent me the letter?  Their shoes made hardly a sound on the carpeted floor and after I heard the door finally swing shut did I lift my head.  It was three minutes after five.  I bent down to gather my things from beneath the desk and as I grabbed for my purse I felt a cord.  I ducked my head below the desk and saw the cord was attached to the top of the inside of the desk.  I followed it with my fingers down to the floor where it disappeared into a tiny hole in the carpet.  The cord, I soon learned, was a microphone cable.
            I held my breath and sat up, taking my purse with me.  I walked as casually to the door as possible.
            The letter, I thought, should have mentioned the desk having ears.

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